Let me take you on a trip
Around the world and back
And you won't have to move
You just sit still
Now let your mind do the walking
And let my body do the talking
Let me show you the world in my eyes
I'll take you to the highest mountain
To the depths of the deepest sea
And we won't need a map
Believe me
Now let my body do the moving
And let my hands do the soothing
Let me show you the world in my eyes
That's all there is
Nothing more than you can feel now
That's all there is
Let me put you on a ship
On a long, long trip
Your lips close to my lips
All the islands in the ocean
All the heaven's in the motion
Let me show you the world in my eyes
That's all there is
Nothing more than you can touch now
That's all there is
Let me show you the world in my eyes
Hadd vigyelek el egy utazsra
Krbe a Fldn, majd vissza s
Mg csak mozdulnod sem kell
Csak lj szpen
Hagyd szrnyalni a gondolataid s
Hagyd beszlni a testem
Hadd mutassam meg a vilgot az n szemeimmel nzve
Elviszlek a legmagasabb magaslatra
A legmlyebb tenger mlyre s
Mg csak trkpre sem lesz szksgnk
Bzz bennem
Hagyd most mozogni a testem s
Hagyd hzelegni a kezem
Hadd mutassam meg a vilgot, milyen szerintem
Mindssze ennyi, ennyi az egsz
Nem tbb annl, amit most rzel
Mindssze ennyi, ennyi az egsz
Hadd vigyelek el egy hajval
Egy hossz, hossz tra, ahol
Ajkad s ajkam egybe fondik
Az sszes sziget az cenon,
Az sszes kj egyetlen mozdulatban
Hadd mutassam meg a vilgot, milyen az szerintem
Mindssze ennyi, ennyi az egsz
Nem tbb annl, amit most rintesz
Mindssze ennyi, ennyi az egsz
Hadd mutassam meg a vilgot az n szemeimmel nzve
World In My Eyes - Martin L. Gore
Grabbing Hands Music. 1990. |
The sweetest perfection
To call my own
The slightest correction
Couldn't finely hone
The sweetest infection
Of body and mind
Sweetest injection
Of any kind
I stop and I stare too much
Afraid that I care too much
And I hardly dare to touch
For fear that the spell may be broken
When I need a drug in me
And it brings out the thug in me
Feel something tugging me
Then I want the real thing not tokens
Things you'd expect to be
Having effect on me
Pass undetectedly
But everyone knows what has got me
Takes me completely
Touches me sweetly
Reaches so deeply
I know that nothing can stop me
Sweetest perfection
An offer was made
An assorted collection
But I wouldn't trade
A legdesebb tkly
Amely magamhoz trt,
A legaprbb helyesbts
Amely kptelen rendbe tenni
A legdesebb fertzst
Testnek s elmnek
A legdesebb injekcijt
Tl sokszor megllok, s csak merengek magamban
Attl flvn, hogy tlsgosan trdm, pedig
Mg az egyszer rintstl is tartzkodom, attl
Val flelmemben, hogy a varzslat szertefoszlik
Van mikor a drogra van szksgem, arra
Amely a gonoszt hozza el bellem s
Olyankor valami magval ragad s
Azt kvnom, brcsak meg se trtnjen
Dolgok, amelyektl azt vrnd, hogy
Hatssal legyenek rm
szrevtlenl tnnek el
Hisz mindenki tudja, a hatsa alatt vagyok
Teljesen elragad
desen rint
Mlyembe hatol
rzem, semmi sem llthat meg
Legdesebb tkly
Kaptam egy ajnlatot
Egy visszautasthatatlan ajnlatot
De nem lek vele
The Sweetest Perfection - Martin L. Gore
Grabbing Hands Music. 1990. |
Reach out, touch faith
Your own personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who cares
Your own personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who's there
Feeling unknown
And you're all alone
Flesh and bone
By the telephone
Lift up the receiver
I'll make you a believer
Take second best
Put me to the test
Things on your chest
You need to confess
I will deliver
You know I'm a forgiver
Hited szerint nyjtsd a kezed
A szemlyes Jzusodnak
Valakinek, aki meghallgatja imidat
Valakinek, aki trdik veled
A te szemlyes Jzusod
Valaki, aki meghallgatja imidat
Valaki, aki ott van neked
Ha elfeledve, illetve
Nagyon egyedl rzed magad
s egyetlen remnyed
A telefon marad
Emeld fel a kagylt
Megtantom neked a hitet
Ragadd meg az alkalmat
lj az ltalam knlt lehetsggel
A dolgok, amik a szvedet nyomjk
Szksgess teszik, hogy gynj
Feloldozlak, hisz
Tudod, megbocst vagyok
Personal Jesus - Martin L. Gore
Grabbing Hands Music. 1989. |
You wear guilt
Like shackles on your feet
Like a halo in reverse
I can feel
The discomfort in your seat
And in your head it's worse
There's a pain
A famine in your heart
An aching to be free
Can't you see
All love's luxuries
Are here for you and me
And when our worlds
They fall apart
When the walls come tumbling in
Though we may deserve it
It will be worth it
Bring your chains
Your lips of tragedy
And fall into my arms
gy viseled bntudatod
Akr egy bklyt a lbadon
Vagy egy glrit, csak ppen fordtva
Szinte rzem
Knyelmetlen helyzetedet, ami
A te tudatodban ha lehet mg rosszabb
Valamifajta fjdalom, illetve
hsg van a szvedben,
Egy vgy a szabadsgra
Ht nem ltod,
A szerelem minden gynyrsge
Felknlkozik szmodra s szmomra
Van mikor az letnk
Szthullik, s van
Mikor a falak sszeomlanak
Meglehet, megrdemeljk
A vgn bizonyra megri
Viseld lncaidat, akr
Tragdit kezdett s
Hullj a karjaimba
Halo - Martin L. Gore
Grabbing Hands Music. 1990. |
I'm waiting for the night to fall
I know that it will save us all
When everything's dark
Keeps us from the stark reality
I'm waiting for the night to fall
When everything is bearable
And there in the still
All that you feel
Is tranquillity
There is a star in the sky
Guiding my way with its light
And in the glow of the moon
Know my deliverance will come soon
There is a sound in the calm
Someone is coming to harm
I press my hands to my ears
It's easier here just to forget fear
And when I squinted
The world seemed rose-tinted
And angels appeared to descend
To my surprise
With half-closed eyes
Things looked even better
Than when they were opened
Been waiting for the night to fall
I knew that it would save us all
Now everything's dark
Keeps us from the stark reality
Been waiting for the night to fall
Now everything is bearable
And here in the still
All that you feel
Is tranquillity
Az j leszlltra vrok, hisz
Tudom, hogy megnyugvst hoz
A mindent bebort sttsg tvol
Tart bennnket a rideg valsgtl
Az j leszlltra vrok, hisz
Akkor minden elviselhet
s ott a csendben
Minden, amit rzel
A nyugalom
Ltezik az gbolton egy csillag
Amely fnyvel mutat nekem utat
s a holdfny ragyogsbl mr
Tudom, szabadulsom nemsokra jn
Ltezik a nyugodtsgban egy hang
Mely szerint, valaki valami bajt hoz
Kezeimet fleimre szortom, mivel
gy knnyebb feledni flelmet most
Mikor hunyortok
A vilg rzsasznben ltszik s
Mintha alszllnnak az angyalok is
Flig csukott szemmel
A dolgok szebbnek tnnek, mint
Mikor nyitott szemmel nztem ket
Az j leszlltra vrvn
Tudtam, hogy megnyugvst hoz
Most a mindent bebort sttsg tvol
Tart bennnket a rideg valsgtl
Az j leszlltra vrvn
Most minden elviselhet
s itt a csendben
Minden, amit rzel
A nyugalom
Waiting For The Night - Martin L. Gore
Grabbing Hands Music. 1990. |
Words like violence
Break the silence
Come crashing in
Into my little world
Painful to me
Pierce right through me
Can't you understand
Oh my little girl
All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm
Vows are spoken
To be broken
Feelings are intense
Words are trivial
Pleasures remain
So does the pain
Words are meaningless
And forgettable
Enjoy the silence
A szavak, mint erszak
Trik meg a csendet
Rombolan hatnak
Az n trkeny vilgomban
Fjdalmat okoznak s
Szinte keresztlhatolnak rajtam
Ht nem rted
, desem
Minden, amit valaha is akartam
Minden, amire valaha is szksgem volt
Most itt van a karjaimban
A szavak teljessggel szksgtelenek
Csak krt okoznnak
A kimondott fogadalmak
Idvel megdlnek
Az rzelmek hevesek
A szavak jelentktelenek
Az rm megmarad
Ahogy a fjdalom is
A szavak jelentsg nlkliek
s feledhetek
lvezd a csendet
Enjoy The Silence - Martin L. Gore
Grabbing Hands Music. 1990. |
Crucified - Martin L. Gore
Grabbing Hands Music. 1990. |
You had something to hide
Should have hidden it, shouldn't you?!?
Now you're not satisfied
With what you're being put through
It's just time to pay the price
For not listening to advice
And deciding in your youth
On the policy of truth
Things could be so different now
It used to be so civilised
You will always wonder how
It could have been if you'd only lied
It's too late to change events
It's time to face the consequence
For delivering the proof
In the policy of truth
'Never again'
Is what you swore
The time before
Now you're standing there tongue tied
You'd better learn your lesson well
Hide what you have to hide
And tell what you have to tell
You'll see your problems multiplied
If you continually decide
To faithfully pursue
The policy of truth
Ha volt takargatni vald
Taln el kellett volna rejtened, nem?!?
gy aztn most nem vagy elgedett
Azzal, amin keresztl mentl
Itt az ideje, hogy megfizess azrt
Amirt nem hallgattl a j tancsra
s a fiatalkori ballpseidrt egyarnt
Az igazsg tkrben
A dolgok most mr teljesen mskpp is mehetnek
Mg valaha egsz kulturltak voltak
Mindig kvncsi leszel arra
Milyen lett volna, ha vgg hazudsz
Tl ks mr megvltoztatni az esemnyeket
Itt az ideje szembenzni a kvetkezmnyekkel,
A bizonytkok napvilgra kerlsvel
Az igazsg tkrben
'Soha tbb' -
Eskdztl a
Trtntek eltt
Most itt llsz sztlanul s nmn
Jobb lett volna tanulni a hibkbl
Rejtsd el, amit el kell rejtened s
Mondd el, amit el kell mondanod
Sokszorozottan fogod ltni a problmkat
Ha tovbbra is igaz hittel szemlled
A dolgokat csak s kizrlag
Az igazsg tkrben
Policy Of Truth - Martin L. Gore
Grabbing Hands Music. 1990. |
Put it on
And don't say a word
Put it on
The one that I prefer
Put it on
And stand before my eyes
Put it on
Please don't question why
Can you believe
Something so simple
Something so trivial
Makes me a happy man
Can't you understand
Say you believe
Just how easy
It is to please me
Because when you learn
You'll know what makes the world turn
Put it on
I can feel so much
Put it on
I don't need to touch
Put it on
Here before my eyes
Put it on
Because you realise
And you believe
Something so worthless
Serves a purpose
It makes me a happy man
Can't you understand
Say you believe
Just how easy
It is to please me
Because when you learn
You'll know what makes the world turn
Vedd fel
s ne szlj egy szt sem
Vedd el
Azt, amelyiket gy szeretem
Vedd fel
s llj meg elttem
Vedd fel
Krlek, ne krdezd mirt
Hinnd, hogy
Valami oly egyszer
Valami oly jelentktelen
Boldog emberr tesz engem
Ht nem rted
Mondd, hogy elhiszed
Milyen knny
A kedvemre tenni
Hiszen mikzben tanulsz
Azt is megtudod, mitl forog a Fld
Vedd fel
Elgedett leszek
Vedd fel
Mg csak meg sem akarom rinteni
Vedd fel
Itt, a szemem eltt
Vedd fel
Htha rjssz vgre
s elhiszed, hogy
Valami oly rtktelen
Ami megfelel a clnak
Boldog emberr tesz engem
Ht nem rted
Mondd, hogy elhiszed
Milyen knny
A kedvemre tenni
Hisz mikzben tanulsz
Azt is megtudod, mirl szl az let
Blue Dress - Martin L. Gore
Grabbing Hands Music. 1990. |
Interlude Nr. 3. - Martin L. Gore
Grabbing Hands Music. 1990. |
The cleanest I've been
An end to the tears
And the in-between years
And the troubles I've seen
Now that I'm clean
You know what I mean
I've broken my fall
Put an end to it all
I've changed my routine
Now I'm clean
I don't understand
What destiny's planned
I'm starting to grasp
What is in my own hands
I don't claim to know
Where my holiness goes
I just know that I like
What is starting to show
As years go by
All the feelings inside
Twist and they turn
As they ride with the tide
I don't advise
And I don't criticise
I just know what I like
With my own eyes
Tiszta vagyok
A legtisztbb, amely valaha voltam
A knnyek vgeztvel
A kztes vek mltval s
A htrahagyott problmk utn
Most, hogy megtisztultam
Mr rtheted, mit akarok
Romlsombl kitrvn
Az egsznek vget vetvn
Megvltoztattam szoksaimat
Immron tiszta vagyok
Ugyan nem tudhatom
Sorsom mit rendelt nekem
Mostantl azonban lni
Prblok lehetsgeimmel
Nem prblom kifrkszni
Szerencsecsillagom tjt
Csak annyit mondok, tetszik
Ami elkezddtt
Az vek elteltvel
A bennem lv rzsek
Megvltoznak s megfordulnak
Ahogy klnbz hatsok rik ket
Tbb nem osztok tancsot
s nem kritizlok
Csak annyit mondok, az tetszik
Amit a sajt szememmel ltok
Clean - Martin L. Gore
Grabbing Hands Music. 1990. |
The things you do
Aren't good for my health
The moves you make
You make for yourself
The means you use
Aren't meant to confuse
Although they do
They're the ones that I would choose
And I wouldn't want it
Any other way
You wouldn't let me
The way you leave me wanting more
That's what I want you for
When I am in your arms
Know I will come to harm
The lies you tell
Aren't meant to deceive
They're not there
For me to believe
I've heard
Your vicious words
You know by now
It takes a lot to see me hurt
And I couldn't take it
Any other way
But there's a price
I have to pay
A dolgok, amiket teszel
Nem tesznek jt velem
Minden mozdulat, amelyet teszel
Csak magadnak teszed
Szavaid rtelme
Nem hoz zavarba
Habr ha ssze is zavarnak
Nekem csak azok maradtak
De tulajdonkppen nem is akarom
Hogy mskpp legyen
Hisz te nem is hagynd
Hogy mskpp legyen
Ahogy hagyod, egyre tbbet akarjak
Mert ezrt akarlak
Amikor karjaidban vagyok
Mert tudom, ez srlst okoz
A hazugsgok, amelyeket mondasz
Mr nem tvesztenek meg
Br nem is azrt vannak
Hogy elhiggyem ket
Gonosz szavaidat
Mostanra azonban mr
Tbb kell, hogy szenvedni lss
De nem tudtam
Mskpp tenni
Most itt a szmla
Mindenrt meg kell fizetni
Dangerous - Martin L. Gore
Grabbing Hands Music. 1989. |
Memphisto - Martin L. Gore
Grabbing Hands Music. 1990. |
Sibeling - Martin L. Gore
Grabbing Hands Music. 1990. |
Kaleid - Martin L. Gore
Grabbing Hands Music. 1990. |
Happiest girl I ever knew
Wanted to feel the joy
Flow between our lips
Wanted to feel the joy
Flow between our hips
Happiest girl I ever knew
Why do you smile the smile you do
Wanted to feel the joy
Pass between our eyes
Wanted to feel the joy
Pass between our thighs
And I would have to pinch her
Just to see if she was real
Just to watch the smile fade away
And see the pain she'd feel
Wanted to feel her joy
Feel it deep within
Wanted to feel her joy
Penetrate my skin
A legboldogabb lny, akit valaha ismertem
rezni akarta a kj
ramlst ajkaink kztt
rezni akarta a kj
ramlst cspink kztt
Legboldogabb lny, akit ismerek
Mirt mosolyogsz gy, ahogy mosolyogsz
rezni akarta a kjt
Amint egyms szembe merlnk
rezni akarta a kjt
Amint egyms combjai kzt elmerlnk
El kellene, hogy dobjam magamtl
Csak, hogy lssam akar-e
Csak, hogy lssam a mosolyt lehervadni
s lssam a lnyt szenvedni
rezni akartam a kjt
Mlyen belemertve
rezni akartam a kjt
Mlyen behatolva
Happiest Girl - Martin L. Gore
Grabbing Hands Music. 1990. |
Sea of sin
I'm swimming in
And I'm taking a dive
My mind's in need
So my body feeds
And it keeps me alive
It gets better and better
As it gets wetter and wetter
Sea of sin
Know where you've been
But I don't care
Sea of sin
Through thick and thin
For better or worse
My mind's in need
So my body feeds
And it quenches my thirst
You look cheaper and cheaper
As we sink deeper and deeper
Sea of sin
Know where you've been
'Cause I've been there
Here under God's sky
His watchful eye
And all of the lies
My consolation prize
Sea of sin
My second skin
My home from home
When I'm in doubt
My hands reach out
And I'm never alone
It gets wetter and wetter
As it gets better and better
Sea of sin
Know where you've been
And I'm prepared
Sea of sin
Know where you've been
Yes I'm aware
Sea of sin
Know where you've been
'Cause I've been there
Sea of sin
Know where you've been
And I don't care
A bn tengere
Az, amiben szom
s amiben elmerlk
Az rtelmem szksget szenved
gy a testem etetem meg
s ez tart letben engem
Egyre jobban s jobban rzem magam
Amint egyre nedvesebb s nedvesebb leszek
A bn tengern
Tudom, hol voltl
De mindez nem rdekel
A bn tengern
Tzn-vzen t, trnk
Jobbrt vagy rosszabbrt
Az rtelmem szksget szenved
gy a testem etetem meg
s ez oltja szomjam mr
Egyre inkbb olcsbb s resebb leszel
Amint egyre mlyebbre s mlyebbre sllyedsz velem
A bn tengern
Tudom, hol voltl
Hisz n is jrtam ott
Itt, az r ege alatt
Az rz szeme alatt
Minden hazugsg mr
Az n vigaszdjamm vl(ik)
A bn tengern
Msodik nem
Otthonrl otthonra vlt
Amikor ktsgbe esek csak
Kinyjtom kezem s
Nem vagyok egyedl tbb mr
Ahogy egyre nedvesebb s nedvesebb leszek
Egyre jobban s jobban leszek
A bn tengere az
Ahol voltl
De felkszltem r
A bn tengern
Tudom, hol voltl
S igen, tisztban vagyok vele
A bn tengern
Tudom, hol voltl
Hisz n is jrtam ott
A bnnek tengere az
Ahol voltl
De mindez nem rdekel
Sea Of Sin - Martin L. Gore
Grabbing Hands Music. 1990. |
forrs. HDMFC |