I'm taking a ride
With my best friend
I hope he never lets me down again
He knows where he's taking me
Taking me where I want to be
I'm taking a ride
With my best friend
We're flying high
We're watching the world pass us by
Never want to come down
Never want to put my feet back down
On the ground
I'm taking a ride
With my best friend
I hope he never lets me down again
Promises me I'm as safe as houses
As long as I remember who's wearing the trousers
I hope he never lets me down again
Never let me down
See the stars, they're shining bright
Everything's alright tonight |
A legjobb bartommal
Remlem, soha tbb nem hagy cserben
tudja, hov visz engem
Oda visz, ahol lenni akarok
A legjobb bartommal
Magasan replnk
Nzzk a vilgot, ahogy elhalad alattunk
Sohasem akarok lejnni
Sohasem akarok tbb a fldn
A legjobb bartommal
Remlem, soha tbb nem hagy cserben
Azt gri, vele biztonsgban vagyok
Mg nem feledem, ki viseli a nadrgot
Remlem, soha tbb nem hagy cserben
Soha ne hagyj cserben
Nzd a csillagokat, fnyesen ragyognak
Minden rendben van ma jjel |
Never Let Me Down Again - Martin L. Gore
Grabbing Hands Music. 1987. |
I heard it from my friends
About the things you said
I heard it from my friends
About the things you said
But they know me better than that
They know me better than that
They know my weaknesses
I never tried to hide them
They know my weaknesses
I never denied them
I heard it from my friends
About the things you said
I heard it from my friends
About the things you said
How can a view become so twisted
How can a view become so twisted
They know my weaknesses
I never tried to hide them
They know my weaknesses
You tried them
I get so carried away
You brought me down to earth
I thought we had something precious
Now I know what it's worth
I heard it from my friends
About the things you said
I heard it from my friends
About the things you said
I've never felt so disappointed
Never felt so disappointed
They know my weaknesses
I never tried to hide them
They know my weaknesses
Thought that you liked them
They know me better than that |
Hallottam a bartaimtl azokat
A dolgokat, amiket mondtl
Hallottam a bartaimtl azokat
A dolgokat, amiket mondtl
De engem k annl jobban ismernek
k engem annl jobban ismernek
Ismerik a gyengimet
Hisz sohasem prbltam elrejteni ket
Ismerik a gyengimet
Hisz sohasem tagadtam ket
Hallottam a bartaimtl azokat
A dolgokat, amiket mondtl
Hallottam a bartaimtl azokat
A dolgokat, amiket mondtl
Hogyan lehet egy nzpont ennyire kifacsarodott
Hogyan lehet egy nzpont ennyire kifacsarodott
k ismerik a gyengimet
Hisz sohasem prbltam elrejteni ket
k ismerik a gyengimet
Te viszont megprbltad
Olyannyira elragadtattam magam, de
Te lehoztl a fldre
Hittem, hogy valami rtkes dolog van kztnk
Most tudom csak mit rt igazbl
Hallottam a bartaimtl azokat
A dolgokat, amiket mondtl
Hallottam a bartaimtl azokat
A dolgokat, amiket mondtl
Mg sohasem voltam ennyire csaldott
Sohasem voltam ennyire csaldott
k ismerik a gyengimet
Hisz sohasem prbltam elrejteni ket
k ismerik a gyengimet
Azt hittem, kedveled ket
k engem annl jobban ismernek |
The Things You Said - Martin L. Gore
Grabbing Hands Music. 1987. |
There'll be times
When my crimes
Will seem almost unforgivable
I give in to sin
Because you have to make this life liveable
But when you think I've had enough
From your sea of love
I'll take more than another riverfull
Yes, and I'll make it all worthwhile
I'll make your heart smile
Strange highs and strange lows
That's how my love goes
Will you give it to me
Will you take the pain
I will give to you
Again and again
And will you return it
There'll be days
When I'll stray
I may appear to be
Constantly out of reach
I give in to sin
Because I like to practise what I preach
I'm not trying to say
I'll have it all my way
I'm always willing to learn
When you've got something to teach
Oh, and I'll make it all worthwhile
I'll make your heart smile
Pain will you return it
I'll say it again - pain
Pain will you return it
I won't say it again
I give in
Again and again
I give in
Will you give it to me
I give in
I'll say it again
I give in
I give in
Again and again
I give in
That's how my love goes
I give in
I'll say it again
I give in |
Lesz mg id
Amikor csnytevseim
Szinte megbocsthatatlannak tnnek majd s
tadom magam a bnnek
Hisz lvezhetv kell tenni ezt az letet
Amikor gy rzed, eleget kaptam mr
Tengernyi szerelmedbl
Akkor mertek mg belle j adaggal
s igen, megri mindez, hisz
Megrvendeztetem a lelked
Klns Szerelem
Fura magaslatok s fura mlysgek
Klns Szerelem
Ilyen az n szerelmem
Klns Szerelem
Ilyet adsz nekem
Elveszed a fjdalmat
Amit n adok neked
jra s jra, majd
Visszaadod azt
Lesznek mg napok
Amikor elkborolok s
Taln llandan
Elrhetetlennek ltszom majd
tadom magam a bnnek
Hisz szeretem azt tenni, amirl prdiklok
Nem azt mondom, hogy
Mindezt nmagambl ereden teszem, hisz
Mindig ksz vagyok tanulni, amikor
Valami tantani vald van
De , mindez megri, hisz
Megrvendeztetem a lelked
Visszaadod a fjdalmat
jra mondom - fjdalom
Visszaadod a fjdalmat
De nem mondom el jra
tadom magam
jra s jra
tadom magam
Hisz megadod nekem
tadom magam
jra mondom
Megadom magam
tadom magam
jra s jra
tadom magam
Ilyen az n szerelmem
tadom magam
jra mondom
Megadom magam |
Strangelove - Martin L. Gore
Grabbing Hands Music. 1987. |
To put it in words
To write it down
That is walking on hallowed ground
But it's my duty
I'm a missionary
So here is my confession
It's an obsession
I'm a firm believer
And a warm receiver
And I've made my decision
This is religion
There's no doubt
I'm one of the devout
Trying to sell the story
Of love's eternal glory
Spreading the news around the world
Taking the word to boys and girls
I'm a firm believer
And a warm receiver
And I will go down on my knees
When I see beauty |
Szavakba nteni,
Lerni, illetve
Megszentelt fldn jrni
Ez az n feladatom,
Hittrt vagyok
me gynsom,
Ez egy rgeszme
Igaz hv s
Befogad vagyok
Mr dntttem,
Ez valls
Semmi ktsg
Egy vagyok az jtatos lelkek kzl
Megprblom kirstani
A szerelem dicssgnek nekt
Elterjeszteni a hrt az egsz vilgon
Elhinteni az gt az embereknek
Igaz hv s
Befogad vagyok
Hisz trdre esem a
Gynyr lttn |
Sacred - Martin L. Gore
Grabbing Hands Music. 1987. |
Little 15
You help her forget
The world outside
You're not part of it yet
And if you could drive
You could drive her away
To a happier place
To a happier day
That exists in your mind
And in your smile
She could escape there
Just for a while
Little 15
Little 15
Why take the smooth with the rough
When things run smooth
It's already more than enough
She knows your mind
Is not yet in league
With the rest of the world
And it's little intrigues
Do you understand
Do you know what she means
As time goes by
And when you've seen what she's seen
You will
Little 15
Little 15
Why does she have to defend
Her feelings inside
Why pretend
She's not had a life
A life of near misses
Now all that she wants
Is 3 little wishes
She wants to see with your eyes
She wants to smile with your smile
She wants a nice surprise
Every once in a while
Little 15 |
Egy fiatal 15 ves
Te segthetsz a neki elfeledni
A klvilgot, amg
Nem vagy annak rsze
s ha gyes vagy
Elvezetheted t
Egy boldogabb helyre,
Boldogabb idkbe, hisz
Ez jr a fejedben s
Ez rejlik a mosolyodban
Elmeneklhetne oda
Ha csak rvid idre is, a
Kis 15 ves
Kis 15 ves,
Mirt bonyoltod az letet
Ha a dolgok simn mennek
Az mr tbb mint j
De hisz ismeri a gondolataidat
Amelyek nem egysgesek
A vilg ms rszeivel s
Nmileg intrikusak is
De vajon megrted t
Vajon tudod, mit akar
Ahogy az id telik
Meg fogod ltni, mi is az, s
Csak akkor fogod megrteni t, hisz
Fiatal, 15 ves
Egy fiatal 15 ves
Mirt kell bels rzseit
Mirt kell dolgokat tettetnie, hisz
Mg alig lt valamennyit
Ebbl az letbl
Most azonban mindssze
3 kvnsga van
A te szemeddel akar ltni
A te mosolyoddal akar mosolyogni s
Egy kellemes meglepetst szeretne
Amikor csak lehet, hisz
Kis 15 ves |
Little 15 - Martin L. Gore
Grabbing Hands Music. 1987. |
My little girl
Drive anywhere
Do what you want
I don't care
I'm in the hands of fate
I hand myself
Over on a plate
Oh little girl
There are times when I feel
I'd rather not be
The one behind the wheel
Pull my strings
Watch me move
I do anything
Sweet little girl
I prefer
You behind the wheel
And me the passenger
I'm yours to keep
Do what you want
I'm going cheap
You're behind the wheel tonight |
Vezess brhov
Tgy, amit akarsz
Bnom is n
Ma jjel
A vgzet kezben vagyok
Tlcn knlom
Fel magam
, kicsim
Van, amikor gy rzem
Brcsak ne n lennk
Az egyetlen a voln mgtt
rkdj a mozdulataimon
Brmit megteszek
Jobban kedvelem, ha
Te vagy a voln mgtt s
n csak az utas vagyok
A tid vagyok
Tgy, amit akarsz
Olcs leszek
Ma jjel
Te vagy a voln mgtt ma jjel |
Behind The Wheel - Martin L. Gore
Grabbing Hands Music. 1987. |
I want you now
Tomorrow won't do
There's a yearning inside
And it's showing through
Reach out your hands
And accept my love
We've waited for too long
Enough is enough
I want you now
My heart is aching
My body is burning
My hands are shaking
My head is turning
You understand
It's so easy to choose
We've got time to kill
We've got nothing to lose
I want you now
And I don't mean to sound
Like one of the boys
That's not what I'm trying to do
I don't want to be
Like one of the boys
I just want you now
Because I've got a love
A love that won't wait
A love that is growing
And it's getting late
Do you know what it means
To be left this way
When everyone's gone
And feelings they stay
I want you now |
Most akarlak tged
Nem pedig holnap
Vgyakozom bell s
Ez kil rm
Nyjtsd ki a kezed s
Fogadd szerelmemet
Tl sokig vrtunk mr
Ami sok az sok
Most akarlak
Lngol a szvem
Tzel a testem
Remeg a kezem
rtened kell, milyen
Knny a vlaszts
El kell, ssk az idt
Nincs semmi veszteni valnk
Most akarlak tged
Nem akarom, hogy mindez gy hangozzk
Mint egy fi szvege a tbbi kzt
Nem ezt prblom elrni
Nem akarok
Egy lenni a tbbi kzl
Egyszeren csak kvnlak
Mert szerelmes vagyok s
Ez a szerelem nem vr
Ez a szerelem csak nvekszik,
Az id pedig mlik
Tudod milyen az,
gy magadra hagyatva lenni
Amikor mindenki eltnik s
Csak az rzsek maradnak
Ezrt akarlak most tged |
I Want You Now - Martin L. Gore
Grabbing Hands Music. 1987. |
I need to be cleansed
It's time to make amends
For all of the fun
The damage is done
And I feel diseased
I'm down on my knees
And I need forgiveness
Someone to bear witness
To the goodness within
Beneath the sin
Although I may flirt
With all kinds of dirt
To the point of disease
Now I want release
From all this decay
Take it away
And somewhere
There's someone who cares
With a heart of gold
To have and to hold |
Meg kell tisztulnom
Ideje megfizetni
Minden rmrt
Ksz a baj,
Beteg vagyok
Trdre borulok s
Megbocstsrt esedezem
Valakihez, aki mellettem van
Jban s
Habr kacrkodhatom
Mindenfle rosszal
Egszen a romlottsgig
Most mgis meg akarok tisztulni
Ettl az egsz romlstl
Nem kell ez nekem
Hisz valahol
Van valaki, aki segt
Arany szvn keresztl
A dolgokat megszerezni s megtartani |
To Have And To Hold - Martin L. Gore
Grabbing Hands Music. 1987. |
Sitting target
Sitting waiting
Is full of surprises
It advertises
What am I trying to do
What am I trying to say
I'm not trying to tell you anything
You didn't know
When you wake up today
Sitting target
Sitting praying
God is saying
Knows the prospects
Learnt to expect
Nothing |
Knny clpont
Knny vrakozs
Elzi meg
A semmit
A semmit
Az let
Tele van meglepetsekkel
s hrdeti
A semmit
A semmit
Mit is prblok tenni
Mit is prblok mondani
Nem akarok semmi olyat mondani
Amit ne tudtl volna
Amikor reggel felkeltl
Knny clpont
Knny imdkozs
Isten sem mond
Ltja a kiltsokat
Megtanulta, mit vrhat
Semmit |
Nothing - Martin L. Gore
Grabbing Hands Music. 1987. |
Pimpf - Martin L. Gore
Grabbing Hands Music. 1987. |
Mission Impossible - Martin L. Gore
Grabbing Hands Music. 1987. |
Agent Orange - Martin L. Gore
Grabbing Hands Music. 1987. |
Everybody's looking for someone to follow
Finding the whole thing hard to swallow
Everybody's looking for a reason to live
If you're looking for a reason I've a reason to give
Pleasure, little treasure
Everybody's looking for a new sensation
Everybody's talking about the state of the nation
Everybody's searching for a promised land
Everybody's failing to understand
Pleasure, little treasure
Maternity frocks and paternity suits
If that's what you want they're waiting for you
Everybody needs some reason or other
You'll find a reason when you discover
Pleasure, little treasure
Pleasure, little treasure |
Mindenki keres valakit, akit kvethet
Ezt a dolgot gy nehz megrteni, de
Mindenki keres egy clt, amirt lhet
Ha te is ezt a clt keresed, javaslom, szerezz
rmet, ezt a kedves kincset
Mindenki friss szenzci utn vgy
Mindenki a nemzetek llamrl szl
Mindenki az gret fldje utn kutat
De senki sem jn r, hogy
Az rm az egyetlen kincsnk
Anyai rmk s apai dicssg
Ha ez az, amire vgysz, mr vrnak rd
Mindenkinek szksge van clra vagy valami msra s
Ezt a clt megtallod, amint felfedezed
Az rmet, ezt az apr kincset
rm, kedves kincs |
Pleasure, Little Treasure - Martin L. Gore
Grabbing Hands Music. 1987. |
Well if you ever plan to motor west
Travel my way, take the highway that's the best
Get your kicks on Route 66
Well it winds from Chicago to LA
More than two thousands miles all the way
Get your kicks on Route 66
Well it goes to St. Louis
Down to Missouri
Oklahoma City looks oh so pretty
You'll see Amarillo
Gallup, New Mexico
Flagstaff, Arizona
Don't forget Wynonna
Kingman, Barstow, San Bernardino
Won't you get hip to this kindly tip
And go take that California trip
Get your kicks on Route 66
Get your kicks on Route 66 |
Nos, ha valaha kocsikzst tervezel nyugatra
Utazz az n utamon, hasznld a ftvonalat, az a legjobb
Vezess a 66-os tvonalon
Nos, az t Chicagotl LA-ig kanyarog s
Tbb mint kettezer mrfld hosszan
Vezet az t a 66-os tvonalon
Nos, a kiinduls St. Louis
Majd le Missouri s
Az oly szp Oklahoma City
De ltni fogod; Amarillo
Gallup, j-Mexik
Flagstaff, Arizona
Ksbb pedig Wynonna
Kingman, Barstow s San Bernardino
Ugye nem leszel lehangolt ettl a j kis tlettl
s megejted ezt a kaliforniai kiruccanst s
Energid a 66-os tvonalon vezeted le
Hasznld a 66-os tvonalat |
Route 66 - Robert Troup
Chappel Morris Ltd. 1946. |
Stjarna - Martin L. Gore
Grabbing Hands Music. 1988. |
Moonlight Sonata - Ludwig von Beethoven
Performed by Alan Wilder |
forrs. HDMFC |